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2023-04-14 10:09



但是英语里有个词叫做Latte Pappa,直译过来就是“拿铁爸爸”,乍一看不知道是什么。



也可以写作latte papa,latte dad,表达类似意思的还有SAHD——Stay-at-home dad(全职爸爸)。

"Latte papa" is a slang term that refers to a very attentive and attractive Swedish dad that can often be found in coffee shops with prams (hence the "Latte" name), wearing designer clothes, and toting one or more kids.


Men with prams have become such a familiar sight since shared parental leave was first introduced in 1974 in Sweden that there's the name – "latte pappas" – for the tribe.


《卫报》记者Richard Orange在瑞典城市马尔默的公共游乐空间观察到宝爸们的数量常常超过宝妈们,宝爸们也是职业各异。

At the free-of-charge, drop-in play group in Malmö that is my morning refuge, the pappas often outnumber the mammas. I'll find myself sitting cross-legged next to a taciturn Swedish engineer, a heavily tattooed biker, or another migrant – a computer programmer from Chennai – as our children play with the wooden blocks, rattles and drums.


This type of stylish dad gained prominence in the 2010s. Through the family leave program, both parents receive a collective 480 days and the parents can choose who gets to use them (and the policy encourage dads to use them first). This has led to more dads staying home with the kids and has allowed more women to pursue their careers.


虽然名字叫做Latte Pappa,但是宝爸们不可能只在咖啡厅里带孩子。超市、书店、游乐园都有他们的身影。



瑞典摄影师Johan Bävman的摄影展Swedish Fathers《瑞典爸爸》在超过65个国家展出,2017年还来过中国上海。这一摄影作品历时两年完成,共拍摄了45组瑞典父子。


Urban Nordh, 32岁, 土木工程师

《卫报》记者Richard Orange 2012年曾当过数月全职爸爸,他在文章中描述了带娃的一天,读者们都直呼“真实”,他的文字和Johan的照片共同拼凑出了一个妈妈平常的一天——孩子哭的撕心裂肺,自己心急如焚,想尽办法用尽招数也止不住哭。

It's around 6 pm at the end of my third week of paternity leave, and since 5:30 pm I've checked the kitchen clock every five minutes.


My daughter Eira is crying and I can't work out what she wants. I try walking her around the kitchen for what seems like the 50th time today. I thrust a maniacally smiling wooden caterpillar at her, hoping it'll placate her. I've tried whisks, pots, the colander, all objects that have fascinated in the past, but nothing works.


Ola Larsson, 41岁, 采购员


I peek inside her nappy, more for something to do than because I think it needs changing. I try playing her a Swedish children's song on the ukelele, but realize that's more for my own pleasure than hers. Finally I bounce her in front of the mirror in the hall, which, as always, snaps her out of it, and I stare at her happy gurgling face next to my own desperate smile.


When my wife Mia finally gets home, I hand the baby over and drop exhausted on to the sofa. I'm so tired that I'm in bed by nine, about the same time as Eira, and sleep through until 5:30 am, when her coughing and crying wakes me to the next day of my six-month stint.



Jonas Jarl, 38岁, 教师

英国没有瑞典那么大规模的爸爸带娃现象,因此这段经历给英国记者Richard Orange带来了新知。


It has only taken a few weeks of this for me to know what the overwhelming majority of British fathers never find out. When I thought I was being sympathetic to my wife during her child leave, I wasn't being nearly sympathetic enough. And when I thought I was being understanding, I didn't understand a thing.



In Sweden, men's painful discovery of how exhausting it is to look after a baby is believed to aid parental harmony. "You get a whole different understanding of how it is to take care of a child, because work is nothing in comparison," says Leon, 34, a software developer I met pushing his baby daughter on one of the swings in front of a Malmö café frequented by dads who use the playground. "I don't think looking after a child for a weekend is enough. You have two days of chaos, but you don't get into the routines."






Swedes tend to see generous shared parental leave as good for the economy, since it prevents the nation's investment in women's education and expertise from going to waste.


