Dear valued customer,
Thank you for letting us know that the project has been put on hold or is moving in a different direction. We understand that business priorities can change and we are here to support you in any way we can.
If you have any new projects or opportunities that we can assist with, please don't hesitate to let us know. We are always looking for ways to improve and expand our partnership with you.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to support your business needs. We value your partnership and look forward to continuing to work together in the future.
Sincerely, [Your Name]
二、中道外贸笔记 - 参考回复:
1. 一般我们有什么问题可以直接向客户发问的,就直接真诚发问。(不要自已各种猜测,影响做单的效率。)
2. 另外一种就是以退为进地问。(巧妙示弱)
3. 跟进客户的核心思路是:利他思维,也就是用趋利避害去做一个铺垫。(这样客户容易接受,觉得我们专业又关心他!又不会烦!)
4. 约定式推进:若客户知道可能的恢复时间,需要问出大概时间,以方便我们跟进和提醒客户!
5. 底层逻辑是:1)和客户做好约定 2)把主动权交给客户,让客户自己说出来。到时客户就会觉得的跟进我们比较专业,而不是一种烦扰。
Dear Xxx,
Wishing you all the best and a merry Thanksgiving Day for you in this beautiful season! (节日祝愿并制造一个轻松氛围开场!)
I'm sure your client should be very grateful to you for the XXX project. (借力赞美法:通过客户身边的人事物来赞美客户是比较高明的技巧,特别是用在新客户上,可以避免尴尬。) Of course, not all the orders are very smooth like hot knife for butter. (用认同客户来解除客户可能的抗拒。)You have spent a lot of time and effort on this order, so I hope even if there is still a little chance, we can fight for it together. ; ) (避害:暗示客户已经投入的沉没成本。是否有可能再争取一下呢?)
Now I am a little worried about the project that if I didn't offer enough help to you to finalize the order. (以退为进:合理化跟进行为,也表现我们帮助客户的努力!) I should be relieved if you tell me the concerns that your client has to stop this project? Is this project completely terminated? Or is there a new schedule available? (主动检测问题)
In order to lose no chance (趋利作为铺垫), and I can have a chance to follow your order in the right time in future. Would you please share it to me so that I could have a chance offer our help? It would be great to know the updated news from your discussion with your customer, please allow me to ask about it directly anyway. haha. (正向引导 + 请求客户的帮助)
Your reply would be very helpful for us to move this possible project forward like our before ones. (情商引导)
It’s getting quite cold these days there, please take care in this special pandemic period. (有爱的精神:良好的祝愿)
With heart! (表情包大客户慎用,关系好的、聊得好的老客户的可以多用~)
Sincerely yours,